
American Legion Post 12

Join us for Reagan Movie- 22 Feb at Legion Hall


Calendar of Events for 2025

13 Feb             Regular Meeting at Post

15 Feb                        Department Winter Conference-North Raleigh Hilton

13 Mar                        Present Slate of Candidates for Elected Office

10 Apr                         Call for Candidates for Elected Office

08 May                       Post 12 Elections

?? May                       Installation of Post 12 Officers

01-31 May                   Poppy Month

10 May                       36th Annual Buggy Festival-Carthage (Poppy & Raffle sale)

?? May                       District 16 Meeting (Location?)

26 May                       Memorial Day Service-Carthage Memorial Park

07 Jun                        Department Annual Convention-North Raleigh Hilton

04 Jul                         Independence Day Parade-Carthage and Southern Pines

02 Aug                       70th Annual Farmers Day & Festival-Robbins (Poppies, Wreath, Raffle sale)

?? Oct                        Octoberfest Dance (Members Only and Family-Legion Hall)

09-11 Oct                   Annual Moore County Agricultural Fair-Moore County Fairgrounds

11 Oct                        WAA Wreath Sponsorship-Lowe’s Home Improvement, Southern Pines

18 Oct                        Flag Retirement Ceremony, Post 12?

?? Oct                       Department Fall Conference-North Raleigh Hilton

25 Oct                       Festival D’Avion, Moore County Regional Airport

08 Nov                      Annual Veterans Day Parade-Southern Pines

11 Nov                      Veterans Day Ceremony-Carthage Memorial Park

15 Nov                      WAA Wreath Sponsorship-Pete’s Restaurant, Carthage

11 Dec                      Christmas Party & Raffle Drawing

13 Dec                      Wreaths Across America, Sandhills State Veterans Cemetery

Youth Programs

Student Trooper Program

The purpose of the North Carolina American Legion Student Trooper Program is to create an association between our young people and the men and women who are responsible for enforcing the laws of our State. The American Legion believes that our young people have a strong sense of patriotism and a high regard for Law and Order.

It is our belief that the young men and women who participate in the Student Trooper Program will develop favorable attitudes toward Law Enforcement and will articulate those attitudes throughout their communities and among their peers.

Click here for photos of the 2019 Student Trooper program.

The week long American Legion Student Trooper Program is conducted at the North Carolina Highway Patrol Training Center in Raleigh, North Carolina, and is a cooperative sponsorship of The NC American Legion and The NC Highway Patrol.

Cadets participate in morning physical training, close order drill, and disciplined conduct throughout the day under the watchful eyes of counselors and instructors.

Cadets participate in a wide variety of instructional sessions. They learn the use of police skills, including drug detection, firearms safety, and precision driving, just to name a few. There are also tours in Raleigh, NC of the Capitol, Legislative Building, Governor's Mansion, and the Highway Patrol Headquarters and Communications Center. Instructors from the NC Highway Patrol other phases of Law Enforcement and related subjects are integrated into the week's program.

Cadets must have successfully completed their junior year of high school and of good moral character. Cadets must be sponsored by an American Legion Post.

All correspondence relating to this program should be addressed to Student Trooper Program; The American Legion Department of North Carolina; PO Box 26657; Raleigh, NC 27611 or call 919-832-7506.

Students who have successfully completed their junior or senior year can be accommodated at the training center, so be sure to get applications in early. The application must be submitted through a local American Legion post. Applications may be obtained by calling Department Headquarters or using the order form also enclosed with the mailing.

Applications and medical forms can be obtained by writing, calling or e-mailing department headquarters, or by downloading and printing the forms on the right of this page.  Again, cadets must be sponsored by an American Legion Post.


To the wonderful patriotic citizens of the Carthage, North Carolina community. Join our Post as a Booster or Sponsor. (Click the Sponsor or Booster Button for details). 100% of the monies raised are given back to the community. Help us to continue sponsoring Scholarships for our children; give aid and assistance to our local needy Veterans, and their families. Help us to continue to support financially worthy community programs and projects.

Site Map

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Sones of Legion | Flag Etiquette | Member Name Plates

American Legion Post 12
P.O. Box 1893
, 350 Legion Hut Road
Carthage, NC 28327

(910) 420-0013
The American Legion is tax-exempt under Section 501 (c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended.
EIN 566088211