
American Legion Post 12



Moore County Veteran’s Council

September 24, 2024


Organizations present were:

County VSO

Marine Corps League

American Legion Post 296

American Legion Post 12

American Legion Post 177

Sandhills Community College




New Business:

  1. On September 3, 2024, President, Jim Pedersen sent an email resigning from his position with the council. A motion was made by Macro Rotting and second by Bill Carl for Rora Kellis Vice President to move into the President position the motion was approved unanimously.  
  2. President Rora Kellis asked for nominations for Vice President. Dave Daniels nominated himself. A motion was made by Bill Carl and seconded by Marco Rotting to have Dave Daniels become Vice President. The motion was approved unanimously.
  3. President Rora Kellis stated there has been a proposal brought up that the council amend the constitution to remove all officer positions and have the Moore County Veteran Service Office facilitate all meetings. There was a discussion about how that would work. A motion was made by Alan McKinnon and seconded by Vincent Gordon to amend the Moore County Veterans Council constitution to remove all officers and have the Moore County Veteran Service Office facilitate all meetings. A vote was taken by all voting members that were present:

Disabled American Veteran– Yes                       American Legion Post 12 - Yes

American Legion Post 296 – Yes                        Veteran Service Office - Yes

Sandhills Community College Veteran Center Rep – Yes   

American Legion Post 177 – Yes                        MMIA - Yes

Marine Corp League– Yes                                    Vietnam Veterans of America - Yes

The motion was approved.

  1. Kelly Greene stated that right before the meeting started, she received a text and email from former President Jim Pedersen that stated the VFW had taken a vote and decided that after tonight the VFW was no longer hosting meetings of other groups other than the Marine Corp League and the Special Forces Association. There was a discussion about where the meeting could be moved to. Kelly discussed that she could get the AG building in Carthage, but when elections are going on we would have to move or cancel the meeting. Dave Daniels stated that we could have the meetings in the Veteran Center at Sandhills Community College. A motion was made by Georgia Nelsen and seconded by Sandi Carl to move the meeting location to the Veteran Center at Sandhills Community College. The motion was approved unanimously.

MMIA guest speaker – Zach Keisler

Zach discussed the programs that MMIA offer – Fill the footlocker, care packages, operation rescue Christmas, homes for healing, and operation building hope. Zach discussed that MMIA is starting a new program that will provide transportation for Vets. The program is like an Uber service for veterans. MMIA has a SUV that will be coming to Moore County in the next week or so for this program. MMIA is looking for drivers. To drive for MMIA you must have a background check done and pass a drug test. The program will take veterans to doctor appointments, grocery store, church, or drug store. If you are interested in driving contact Zach at 919-552-1603.


American Legion Post 296 Vass – On October 19, 2024, they are having a Pancake breakfast fundraiser at Kickback Jack’s from 8 am to 10 am. Tickets are $10 a person and they may be purchased at the door. September 25, 2024, is the deadline for the Colon Furr Scholarship applications. October 4-6th is the Colon Furr Scholarship scheduled ride it will begin in Winston-Salem. Oct 15th the next Vet to Vet breakfast at the Greens of Pinehurst nursing home. Nov 5th Gracious Living in Southern Pines is having a Veteran Celebration at 11 am and they are looking for anyone who can to come and spend some time with the veterans there. Nov 9th is Freedom at the Rock at the Rockingham Speedway.

VVA 966 – Held the annual POW/MIA ceremony last Saturday. This Thursday is the pass and review at Union Pines High School. Field of Honor set up will be Nov 9th at 9 am at the West End Fire Department and the Ceremony is Nov 10th at 2 pm. The flags will stay up for 2 weeks this year.

County VSO – Discussed the new NC law that allows veterans with disabilities to get a free state park annual pass. There is an application that must be completed and mailed in along with a copy of your summary of benefits letter. This application must be completed every year.

Marine Corp League – Will participate in the Festival D’Avion on Oct 26th at the airport. They are also bringing back their color guard if anyone needs one for an event. They will participate in the silkies run this Saturday. Marine Corp birthday is Nov 10th and there will a birthday party at the VFW in the back room that day.

MMIA – Sent 2 cases of care packages to Kuwait and Qatar. They also built a ramp for a 90-year-old veteran.

American Legion Post 177 – This Saturday, September 28, 2024, is the annual Yard Sale from 8 am to 2 pm. They will have a fish dinner as well.  They are having a Sunday Poetry Slams @ Weymouth house at 2pm.  Bingo is every Sunday and Wednesday at 6pm.

American Legion Post 12 – Discussed how they have involved in Suicide Prevention, and they are trying to get the Warrior 180 program into the schools. They are doing Wreaths Across America. Oct 26th they are having a Flag Retirement Ceremony. Oct 26th is the Festival D’Avion at the airport. They are selling raffle tickets for a drawing that will be held on Dec 12th. They are talking about participating in American Legion Baseball as a sponsor. Starting next month, they are going to have a cookout on the 3rd Saturday of each month at the post at 1400.

Sandhills Community College – they have 243 students that are using some type of VA education assistance.

MC Veterans Memorial Committee – Veterans Day Ceremony will be November 9, 2024, at 12 pm. Kelly will be sending out an email in the next week to see who all wants to lay a wreath.


Next regular meeting will be October 22, 2024, at 6:30pm at

Sandhills Community College Veteran Center located in the Boyd Library

3395 Airport Rd, Pinehurst, NC